About The LaFear Group

"Follow The Money."

The LaFear Group provides specialized training to state, local and federal agencies, as well as financial institutions on money laundering, anti-terrorism, financial crimes and computer forensic training.

CATLETThe following company profile is published by CATLET (The Center for Advanced Technical Law Enforcement Training), a non-profit consortium of training professionals:

The LaFear Group, Inc. operating out of Fernandina Beach, Florida, is comprised of veteran financial investigators, all of whom are retired Special Agents from the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service. Each instructor used by The LaFear Group has at least 24 years criminal investigative experience relating to financial investigations/money laundering and at least an additional 20 years of experience teaching financial investigative techniques to law enforcement. John LaFear is the owner and lead instructor of The LaFear Group.

They are currently in their 16th year of presenting a unique and highly successful financial investigative techniques training course titled "Follow the Money" established for the purpose of assisting law enforcement investigative and support personnel in the investigation of money crimes, utilizing the concept of parallel financial investigative techniques. In the last 16 years they have presented the course more than 600 times, to some 17,000 participants, all over the United States, Central America, Europe, Africa and the Caribbean.

The LaFear Group has instructed law enforcement and support personnel within domestic state/local law enforcement agencies (including Sheriff's Departments, local police departments, State Police and State regulatory agencies); numerous Federal agencies (including IRS, USCS, USPS, USSS, USPS, FBI, and DEA); the High Intensity Drug Traffic Areas (HIDTA's), both federal and state/local prosecutor's offices, as well as military analysts and support personnel from the various Department of Defense Joint Task Forces (JTF's).

Consistently, the team of instructors has been commended for their financial investigative expertise, their presentation skills, their ability to tie money to drug investigations, and their ability to enhance potential forfeitures involved in drug and non-drug investigations.